Spring is upon us at the vineyard.
There is no better time to be alive and present: everything compels your attention.
Our vines have been through bud burst and despite continuing cool conditions, are charging ahead. Like last year, we have even shoot development and strong fruit bunch development.
We conducted soil testing over winter and as a result, distributed lime and nutrients to anticipate a strong start to the season. We also increased the frequency of winter oil and lime sulphur applications to eradicate a mite population that showed its presence in the latter part of last season. We'll also be increasing our trace element and foliar fertilizer applications to keep our canopy deep green and lush right through the season.
Now, as well as getting into the routine of vineyard management again, and wondering how we are ever going to get our bottling done in time, we are wrestling with a label upgrade to reflect the fact that our market reach in growing and diversifying. In a partnership of four opinionated individuals, this isn't the easiest of tasks!
We'll be releasing several new wines early next year: a Pinot Noir, a Chardonnay and a Cabernet Merlot blend, to replace some of the wines that have virtually sold out during 2019. We'll be letting you know about the launch well in advance.
We hope that all of our friends are well and getting into the spring swing: don't forget that there are many excellent wines at bargain prices on this site which should attract your interest; our favourite is the Grampians Riesling. Fresh, zesty, light, and perfect for the racing and Christmas seasons!